World Class Neuro & Spine Surgeon

High Quality of Care

1 K+
75 K+
25 +
Years of Experience
1 +
Research Papers

Dr. Vasant Dakwale

Dr. Vasant Dakwale is a senior most neurosurgeon in Indore with experience of 40 year’s in this field.

Dr. Dakwale Completed MBBS from Gandhi Medical College Bhopal in 1974 and Mch. Neurosurgery from TN Medical College, Mumbai in 1982. He established department of Neurosurgery Choithram Hospital and Research Center Indore in 1984.

Currently he is  consulting Neurosurgeon at Vishesh Jupiter Hospital Indore and  fellowship at Regional Neurological Center, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle upon time (UK).

He has published and  presented Various Paper’s in National and International Conferences.

“Commitment to Neuro Fraternity”

Neurosurgery has been my passion not only a means of livelihood. I have pursued it to the extent of exclusion of everything else. The principle of Do No Harm is deeply anchored in my mind. I have never hesitated in providing best possible care with compassion and sympathy to my patients.

Committed To Neuro Surgery Excellence

  • Life member Neurological society of India
  • Member of Congress of Neurological surgeons U.S.A
  • Past Secretary of  Neuro Trauma Society of India
  • Past President of  Neuro Trauma Society of India
  • On Editorial Board-Indian Journal of Neuro Surgery.
  •  Founder President “REEDH” self help group of Paraplegics.
  • Neurological Surgeon society of Indian- Founder member.
  •  Indian Society of Pediatric Neuro Surgery.
  • Indian society of Stereotactic and functional Neurosurgery.
  • Fonder member Neuro Club – Indore
  • President of Indian society of epilepsy M.P chapter 

Dr. Dakwale Credentials

Experience bundled along with continual education


  • MCh (Neuro Surgery) form Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Bombay,1982
  • MBBS from Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, 1974


  • Tutor in department of Neurosurgery BYL Nair hospital Mumbai | 1981-1982
  • Senior consultant Neurosurgeon at Ispat General Hospital, Raurkela | 1982-1983        
  • Honorary consultant Neurosurgeon at Choithram Hospital & Research Center Indore | 1984-2015         
  • Currently associated as Consultant at Vishesh Jupiter Hospital, Indore.  

Microneurosurgical Workshop

Newcastle General Hospital, London
Certificate of Fellowship in MicroNeuroSurgery

Padmabhushan Dr S.K. Mukarjee Award

The Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Midas Rex Institute

Neurotrauma Society of India

Surgical Specialities

Trauma-Head and Spinal Injuries

“Performed more than 100 cases of CVJ anomaly”

Pituitary Adenomas

“Performed more than 300+ Pituitary Surgeries”

Surgery for Brain Tumors

“Performed more than 3000+ Brain Tumor Surgeries”

Trigeminal Neuralgia

“Treated over 250+ patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia in last decade”

Stereotactic Surgery

“Performed more than 200+ Stereotactic Surgeries”

Anurysmal Surgery

“Regular Anurysmal Surgeries”

Spine Surgery

“Performed more than 4000+ spinal procedures”

+91 0731 243 3140

1. Trauma-Head and Spinal Injuries​

The most common problems dealt by a neurosurgeon are still traumatic brain and spine injuries. With the tremendous progress in vehicles and roads, the severity of brain injuries has increased manifold. At the same time the management has greatly improved and many severe brain injuries can be salvaged and return to live a productive life.
At present, hundreds of  Head and spine injuries are admitted under my care every year. Over the last 40 years I have operated more than 5000 cases of trauma. Many severe brain injuries have been successfully salvaged with aggressive and comprehensive medical management. The pattern of management of difficult problems like CSF rhinnorhea has changed over the years to a minimally invasive transnasal endoscopic approach. Spinal Trauma management has also evolved from posterior decompression with fixation by Hart shill rectangle to anterior fusion with implant and bony fusion. I am routinely doing anterior cervical fusion and plating in cranioverterbral junction anomalies are managed by posterior fusion.

“I have operated more then 100+ cases on CVJ anomaly till now”

2. Pituitary Adenomas

Management of these tumors have shown a significant change over the years. To start with I was approaching these tumors transcranially. Now, rarely any tumor needs transcranial approach. By using the minimally invasive transnasal, trans-sphenoid, and endoscopic approach, most pituitary tumors can be very well excised.

Over the last 10 years, I have done 200+ pituitary tumors by this approach with the cooperation of my ENT colleagues.

“I have done 100+ pituitary surgeries till date”

3. Surgery for Brain Tumors

Brain tumors form the bulk of cold neurosurgery. With the development of microsurgical techniques and good quality microscopes, the results have shown tremendous improvements. All types of brain tumors like gliomas meningionmas and acoustic neurinomas are being routinely operated with results comparable to best centers of India. Best possible post operative care decreases the morbidity related to the surgery to a great extent. My attempt has always been to send the patient home with minimum possible deficits in the given situation.

4. Trigeminal Neuralgia

There are many treatment options for this extremely painful condition as exact pathology is not yet known. All procedures have their advantages and disadvantages. At present I am doing Micro Vascular Decompression (MVD) and Radio Frequency Thermocoagulation (RF Lesion) for this condition and I feel that RF lesion is a better option because of minimum side effect and is an OPD procedure

“Till date I have treated more then 250+ patients with this procedure in last 15 years”

5. Stereotactic Surgery

In this era of minimally invasive surgery, neurosurgery has not lagged behind. Especially in view of the eloquent areas and deep seated lesions this surgical procedure is of great importance. I undertook training for it at karolinska Institute Stockholm, Sweden. I have used it in more than 200 cases. Hematoma evacuation, Biopsy of deep seated lesions, aspiration of deep seated cysts and abscesses, brain stem gliomas biopsy are few of the examples.

In fact I have presented “Stereotactic total evacuation and excision of third ventricular colloid cyst’ in the world Federation of Neurological surgeons conference at Morocco 2005 which was well appreciated.

6. Anurysmal Surgery

 After my training in Micro Vascular Surgery, which I undertook at NewCastle under Prof. Sengupta in 1996, I started doing clipping of aneurysm and have successfully operated many patients.

7. Spine Surgery

Even now many people think that neurosurgeons deal only with the cranium. In fact, spine surgery is an important part of the surgical skills of any neurosurgeon. I have performed numerous simple and complicated procedures. This includes anterior cervical disc surgery, cervical compressive myelopathy decompression, anterior thoracic spine surgery and inradural, extradural and intrame dullary tumor, CV junction anomaly surgery and lumbar disc surgery. Recent advanced of MISS (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery) has come to Indore.

At present I am doing Microdiscoidectomy and Endoscopic Discoidectomy for prolapsed lumbar disc which has many advantages over open surgery.

“I have performed more then 4000 spinal procedures”

Happy Stories

Creating Healthy Life !!
Expert in Profession.
Well behaved. Flexible/comfortable with patients and their attender. Better understanding. Personally I was treated by him. pray to god for grand successful professional career.
Rajiv Kumar Choudhary
I recommend the doctor.
He is very good consultant as well as guide he treat us like his family member not a patient it was fully satisfied conversation with him

Shefali Pathak

How to Find Us


14 Bansi Plaza, 581 M.G.Road Opp. Indraprasth Tower Indore 452001 (M.P.) India


Vishesh jupitar hospital indore E Block, Davv Takshila Parisar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452020


+91 (731) 243 3140


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Specialized consultation for neurosurgical procedures.